Galactic healing techniques with the eye of the crystal



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It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Ask your health care professional if crystal healing with your consciousness is right for you.



Meet our galactic instructors on crystal technology


Jen Han Eredyon is a terraforming Pleiadian scientist, called a "star maker" and is from the planet Erra in the Pleiades working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. His knowledge of crystals and the structure of the universe in relationship to consciousness is 300 years ahead of our scientific understanding on our planet.

Oona is an Emissary for the Altean delegation of the Seeders, a cell of scientists from the Intergalactic Confederation, whose scientific understanding of crystals is 20,000 years ahead of the Pleiadians.

I am grateful to both of these highly evolved wonderful beings for receiving this information, and especially to Elena Danaan who has made these communication exchanges possible.

- Dan Willis

Note these simulated images are used with permission and are the property of Elena Danaan

Jen Han Eredyon and Oona


The following procedures are using a crystal with your consciousness to bring what is dissonant in your body back into resonance, or what some term as "healing". You can use these procedures on yourself, or on another that has given consent for you to assist them in healing themselves. This knowledge is a gift, and I am grateful to be able to share this information with you.


The type of crystal used in these advanced procedures is a specially cut quartz crystal called a "Vogel-Eredyon" cut crystal so as to differentiate from a standard Vogel cut crystal. It is named as such to honor the legacy of Dr Marcel Vogel's research and to acknowledge this gift of knowledge from Jen Han Eredyon. These crystals are cut to specific specifications given by Jen Han Eredyon which are done so the crystal is cut in alignment with the crystal's natural lattice structure and other termination angle requirements in order to access a singularity vortex that is formed by the phase conjugation node of the two double coiled torsion fields converging within the crystal to form what is called "the Eye" in the central vortex. This type of crystal has the ability to modify physical reality through a conscious interface with the crystal's vortex center.


These advanced crystal applications expand upon the original pioneering crystal research work of Dr Marcel Vogel. Dr Vogel would have loved to have known this advanced knowledge and that we are carrying on the research of the interface of consciousness with crystals that he initiated. Know that a standard Vogel cut crystal can be used also in healing procedures, but these multi-faceted Vogel crystals do not permit the forming of the vortex center in the crystal since the multi-facetted are not aligned with the natural 6 sided hexagonal core of the crystal. This page is specifically addressing applications with the use of a Vogel-Eredyon cut crystal. Nevertheless, these multi-faceted crystals can still be used as in the procedures that Dr Marcel Vogel originally taught.

I shared Dr Marcel Vogel's procedures with Jan Han Eredyon for his feedback on their effectiveness, and he wrote the following...

"These methods I have just read are effective. I wish I had known such a great mind and such a vibrant being as Marcel Vogel. His legacy must perdure and be used to assist the people of Terra in their evolution of consciousness.

The method described that your friend Marcel came up with is very good, but little did he know that his own consciousness was bridging the frequency of the altered bodies to Source."

- Jen Han Eredyon



Traditional multi-faceted Vogel cut crystal healing

For the many Terrans who own a multi-faceted Vogel cut crystal (as opposed to a Vogel-Eredyon cut) do you have any recommended Pleiadian techniques for healing with those type crystals?

Jen Han
The method is the same, just not as efficient in results. Keep in mind that what I am giving you as a method is not absolute; there are other variants to use crystals for physical healing.




The importance of alignment with the lattice structure

Jen Han:
Every crystal work for healing, whatever the shape, because quartz does what quartz does: it realigns the atoms in an ordered state of matter, then transcends it. When you use a quartz that is cut following its lattice, it becomes a precise, powerful surgical tool. As I said previously, the 6 sided ones (Vogel-Eredyon cut) are the most efficient for most of the work. A greater number of sides works for healing only, because it is not about the shape anymore, but about the very nature of quartz. It will always be better than raw quartz, but when there are so many sides that it becomes a faceted cylinder, there is no point.

The multi-faceted Vogel crystals are healer crystals, but compared to a near-cylindrical shape dynamics. The more it tends towards it, it loses its power. 4, 6, 8 and 12, even 24, works. Afterwards, the vortex effect decreases. Too many facets loses the focus of the beam, the lattice of the crystal is too much interfered in its dynamics. You need to respect the structure of the lattice, and always cut in perfect ratio with its hexagonal core structure. The efficient shape of these crystals (Vogel-Eredyon cut) do not only concern the correct degree of the two pyramidal extremities, but as well the lateral ratio: the facets. Everything must be in harmony with the core lattice. Vertically, and laterally.

Simply acquiring a 6 sided standard Vogel cut crystal will not necessarily meet the hexagonal core alignment nor termination angle requirements to be a specified as a "Vogel-Eredyon cut" crystal.

Using a Vogel-Eredyon cut crystal

The type of cut crystal used in the following procedures is a "Vogel-Eredyon cut" crystal. In order to acquire such a crystal, you can give the detailed specifications to someone who is a qualified Vogel quartz crystal cutter to cut it for you, but this can be quite expensive. I can highly recommend the following crystal provider who has been graciously working with this information and has instructed their cutters to follow Jen Han Eredyon's specifications. Note that a smaller size crystal equally opens the vortex as a larger size, although the larger does have more capacity for Phryll generation. Note, that I personally have no financial interest in the business of crystals, my only objective here is in sharing this information to assist in the evolution of the understanding of this crystal science on our planet to be used for beneficial purposes.



Two methods of opening the vortex of the crystal

We will be covering two modalities of piezoelectrically opening up the central vortex of the crystal. One is using simply your finger pressure across the area of the eye of the crystal to momentarily open up the vortex when finger pressure of a rapid squeeze is applied. The other method requires electronic equipment to send in continual compression waves through pure silver electrodes into the eye to keep the vortex continually open. Some of the following healing applications can use either method for accessing and interfacing with the central vortex.



Using finger pressure

A practical way for most people will be simply using your fingers to apply pressure in the area of "the eye" of the crystal. For a reference point for your finger placement, you can apply a small piece of tape, such as cut in a diamond shape as in the below illustration. You can identify the exact placement by placing two straight edges against the flat portion of both termination angles and where the two cross, directly across from that is the area of the eye.

Jen Han:
The pulse must be firm and sharp if it is only mechanical using only the pressure of your fingers. If coupled with a conscious visualization that your mind sends electrical impulses through your body, through your fingertips, the pressure needs not to be very strong.

Jen Han:
Don’t forget about the pulsed breath carrying the consciousness interface. Finger pressure is good when you work organically within your biofield. It is the easiest, as the self-healer feels more at ease of move, and “one” with the crystal. Organic body to crystal body. It is a total mergence and complete interface as the electromagnetic field of the body and of the consciousness of the person interface with the electromagnetic field of the crystal lattice and of its consciousness. There is no physical atomic barrier between the two.


Using electronic pulses

This is more of an advanced application which will require electronic equipment and physical support for the crystal with pure silver electrodes to send compression waves at 20 Hz into the eye area of the crystal in order to keep the vortex open continually. Access to the crystal's central vortex in this manner is done hands free.

A suggested component list of parts can be found on this page for what is called a "Reality Modulator" and it's use.



Vogel-Eredyon cut crystal healing

When using a Vogel-Eredyon cut crystal for healing, and there is a dissonance (an ill or sickness) in a person’s envelop, what would be a good method to restore a healthy pattern in the body to allow it to heal using a Vogel-Eredyon cut crystal?

Jen Han
The method described in our earlier correspondence that your friend Marcel came up with is very good, but little did he know that his own consciousness was bridging the frequency of the altered bodies to Source. Visualize the re-paired perfect pattern over the damaged one until you force the vision until the damaged version no longer exists in your mind's eye.

So with Marcel’s intention of consciousness, the crystal being a bridge across all the densities connected to Source, which is at a level of perfection, allowed that to resonate across the spectrum of densities to bring the dissonant pattern (the illness) at the lower density into Source resonance, since the universe tends to the perfection of Source, healing occurs. Is that correct?

Jen Han:
It repaired the frequency from dissonant to resonant. As for age reversing, which can be done on either a perfectly paired body or a dissonant body, it is holographic time entanglement. Healing and age reversing are two different techniques, knowing that age holographic reversing can also be used as a re-pairing technique. There are many ways to get the same result, it depends on who is operating.




Creating holograms with your mind

Jen Han:
"Create the re-paired holographic version within your mind”: many Terrans will not understand how to do this, you need to explain to them how to properly construct a hologram. To give birth to a viable idea, to be a creator of your reality, you need to know how to create holograms, just as the universe does. Teach them how to create a holographic vision in space, visible from all its aspects, details and directions. You know this but you need to be clear with them, as they have sometimes difficulty to
comprehend if not explained in details. You want to make sure every Terran understands this tool that is in their mind.

I know these mental exercises need to be developed in order to effectively alter reality. Have you any recommended exercises to help in creating holographic visions in space?

Jen Han:
-Manifest in your thoughts what project you want to create.

-Once you are sure and the idea is clear, I mean the intention, you can start creating it. If you can describe your project with words, you can create a hologram from it. If your thoughts are not clear enough that you cannot describe your project by words, so no hologram will come of it.

-Close your eyes.

-Breathe calmly.

-Smile gently to destress your face, head and nervous system.

-Feel tingles in your chest generated by a feeling of contentment and happiness. You are happy to be here, just that.

-Think about your project. Now, conscious thoughts are going to replace the descriptive words. You should try with a cube as an exercise

and then switch progressively to more complex objects like a flower.


Physical objects. Concepts are a superior level. Start by simple objects. Here is a good one, with a flower, rather.

-Intention: you want a flower in your hand.

-Create the flower following this guideline:

-Eyes closed still, visualize with the power of your imagination a beautiful flower, on the black background of your eyes closed. Notice: that darkness in front of you is not the solid screen of your eyelids but an infinite medium allowing infinite possibilities of creation.

-You see this flower floating, inside of your mind’s eyes, and be aware that it is not a hologram but a rough, blurry, non-detailed idea of a flower.


This is the template. Now you are going to create the hologram.

-Focus your thought on the stem and make it turn, that you see all its facets in all different perspective.

Be aware of its composition, moisture and smell. How does it feel when you touch it with your fingers. You created the hologram of the stem.

-Focus now on the petal. It is growing from the stem and feel its moisture, smell and touch. Construct the petal with your mind and now turn the construct around to materialize it in your mind from all its sides.

-One by one, you add the petals. Same idea, you look at them from all direction.

-Create the ovary, style, stigma and pollen stamen in a way that you can look at the flower in transparency and see every functioning elements are there.

-Now put everything back opaque

-You created a complete flower and now, you must turn it around and visualize it from all directions, included top and bottom. You just created a holographic flower with the power of your consciousness.
Now you need to imprint it in the matrix. When you are more experienced, you can create a flower in its totality only by thinking about it. You can create gardens, cities…

-Your eyes are still closed. Keep them closed.

-In your mind’s eye, which occurs in the area of your pineal gland, the Creator’s link, now imagine your right hand coming forward and sliding under the flower, and the flower delicately falls in the palm
of your hand. The flower is in your hand.

-Move your real physical right hand forward in the same position. You know in your mind’s eye that your real hand is there, ready to receive the imprint of the new hologram. You understand that you can do the same for healing yourself, yes? Visualizing a healthy body part?
You will understand shortly.

-The hand in your mind’s eye is the hand you physically put forward. You superimpose the both, they are one.

-Open your eyes and look straight at your physical hand. The flower is there as a transparent hologram.

-In the coming days, the universe will respond by bringing to you such a flower in your hand.

-Understand you can construct the hologram of a healthy part of your sick body and superimpose it onto your sick body part. Consciousness does that. The universe tends towards perfection. And our minds can create perfection, there is no obstacle to it. The abilities of our consciousness are infinite, our creative power is unlimited. When you send out a hologram out there into reality, the hologram becomes reality sooner or later, carried with the tides of the universe. Time is the factor that will
synchronize your holographic project into the physical matrix of Creation.

-You can do it with emotions: replace sadness by happiness. Basically, you create a project and you “project” it outside of your mind. What you look at, you connect with its matrix. That is inevitable. It works like that. Do you understand now, how the malevolent organizations on your planet have been feeding your mind with horrible visions through media supports? That you create fear around you and a horrible reality. They used you, Terrans! They used your creative power to create the world they want.

I hope I was clear enough. Make sure to understand: when you look at something with focus, you create a quantum entanglement between your thought and the target. You can then alter the target with your thought in the way you want. Physically or emotionally, or both. You know, you can create universes, you can create your future. You just have to imprint, by visual focus, your holographic project by overlapping your inner vision onto the existing reality. We even have medical technology that does that





Imprinting holographically a more resonant template

What is a good method to imprint a younger and healthier template of yourself using the vortex eye?

Jen Han:
Visualize the dissonant version using a holographic method (seen from all angles at the same time). Then visualize the resonant version over it. Same holographic way. Let the healthy version descend into the altered version. The resonant version replaces the dissonant version. It is re-pairing. It works by allowing the natural laws of the universe to work themselves out as the universe tends toward perfection.

Visualizing your full holographic dissonant current version of your envelop from all angles at the same time is quite a mental visualization task. I assume once you accomplish that and then can visualize the
resonant, non-dissonant healthier more optimal pattern to be overlaid and re-pared onto the old pattern, at that point you would pulse your breath that completed visualization into vortex eye correct?

Jen Han:
That is a perfect method, that works well.

To assist in the mental imagery, which takes a lot of imagination, I wonder if using a younger photograph image of yourself for reference would aid in this process?

Jen Han
Yes, anything that can help your mind focus on the goal hologram.

It's good to know that you always have the universe working with you to support you moving towards greater perfection!

Jen Han:
Always, my friend, always. Even when you do not know about it or worse, have disbelief.


Example of Obi-Wan Kenobi visualizing holographically his younger resonant version descending into his older dissonant version of himself and allowing the natural laws of the universe (aka "The Force") that tends toward perfection to support the transformation to his more resonant self.




Healing others

When you wish to help another being with their permission using the vortex eye of the crystal, how best to proceed?

Jen Han:
Permission is always required, otherwise you are violating Universal Law. Interference without permission is punishable by universal law. Sooner or later, the Source will correct the mistake in its own way.

To heal at a distance, use visualization as I described earlier here. The crystal stands between you and the damaged body. It will project the pattern onto the damaged body. I see you want a point-by-point procedure. This is my suggestion:


Clear the crystal.

Stand relax with no muscular tensions and so does the patient in front of you. Facing each other in parallel fields. Calm of mind and of heart.
Ask the patient to breathe slow and deep and generate enjoyable thoughts in order to elevate their consciousness frequency.
It takes the time it takes to set these conditions up.

Open the vortex of the crystal first.

Open your own pineal vortex.

Visualize the wounded area. Bring it from your physical eyes to your pineal eye.

Create the re-paired holographic version within your mind.
In your pineal eye. Because it is open, you are imprinting this in Source.

Imprint the repaired version into the damaged version, in your mind’s eye.

Project this re-paired version into the crystal’s eye.

Point the 60 degree angle to the wounded physical area of the body of the patient with winding movement clockwise. Until you feel it is casted into the morphogenetic field of the person.

Breathe into the crystal and the same time, regularly, the repaired hologram from your mind’s eye. The crystal is the bridge.


I would proceed like that. We have technology that does that here, but this option is great as it trains you in the use of your consciousness.




Healing yourself

Would the following procedure which is modified from the above be the best procedure for a person to work on themselves?

Clear the crystal.

Stand relax with no muscular tensions, Calm of mind and of heart.
Breathe slow and deep and generate enjoyable thoughts in order to elevate your consciousness frequency.
It takes the time it takes to set these conditions up.

Open the vortex of the crystal first.

Using finger pressure or 20 Hz metallic technology or ether?

Jen Han:
Don’t forget about the pulsed breath carrying the consciousness interface. Finger pressure is good when you work organically within your biofield. It is the easiest, as the self-healer feels more at ease of move, and “one” with the crystal. Organic body to crystal body.
It is a total mergence and complete interface as the electromagnetic field of the body and of the consciousness of the person interface with the electromagnetic field of the crystal lattice and of its consciousness. There is no physical atomic barrier between the two.

Open your own pineal vortex.

Visualize the wounded area. Bring it from your physical eyes to your pineal eye.

Create the re-paired holographic version within your mind.
In your pineal eye. Because it is open, you are imprinting this in Source.

Jen Han:
Yes my friend good point, you understand.

Imprint the repaired version into the damaged version, in your mind’s eye.

Project this re-paired version into the crystal’s eye.

Point the 60 degree angle to the wounded physical area of your body with winding movement clockwise.

Until you feel it is casted into your morphogenetic field. Breathe into the crystal and at the same time, regularly, the repaired hologram from your mind’s eye. The crystal is the bridge.

Jen Han:
This is a perfect method, I validate.

Any suggested changes on this procedure for working on yourself?

Jen Han:
“Create the re-paired holographic version within your mind”: many Terrans will not understand how to do this, you need to explain to them how to properly construct a hologram. To give birth to a viable idea, to be a creator of your reality, you need to know how to create holograms, just as the universe does. Teach them how to create a holographic vision in
space, visible from all its aspects, details and directions. You know this but you need to be clear with them, as they have sometimes difficulty to comprehend if not explained in details. You want to make sure every Terran understands this tool that is in their mind.

In opening the vortex of the crystal, are you referring to repeatedly pressing with the fingers in the area of the eye, or using the metallic silver electrodes at 20 Hz or ether method?

Jen Han:
All methods are effective; the subject may choose the tool they are most
comfortable with.

In this procedure we are using the vortex eye of the crystal, would you still advise that the crystal be cleared beforehand?

Jen Han:
Of course, always, it is best. Although, it may work also when not cleared, but you want to start a job with clean tools.

“In your pineal eye. Because it is open” Are you referring to the crystal vortex eye or the eye of the pineal gland being open?

Jen Han:
The pineal gland.

When you “Project this re-paired version into the crystal’s eye” with the 20 Hz pulse the vortex is always open, but when using the fingers to rapidly compress the crystal to temporarily open the vortex to imprint, I would assume you could project the re-paired image into the eye synced with pulsed breath and intention and it is good to do it repeatably to support the imprint to come into formation?

Jen Han:
I agree this is right.

I imagine there could be different approaches for using the vortex eye of the crystal for healing work on ones self. Could this be one of them, or would you recommend a different approach?

Pointing the emitter end (60 degree termination) of the crystal toward the wounded area of the body while projecting a visualization of the wound being already healed while at the same time compressing with fingers the area of the eye in sync with breath pulse to project visualization. This is done repeatedly to help reinforce the casting of the healed vision into the body’s morphogenetic field.

Jen Han:
As I said, I'm not a medic, so I don't know all the healing methods that require crystals. I just know the basics of how it works. The method you read to me is a good method.

I know there are simpler ways, such as projecting a new holographic construct directly from your consciousness into a crystal, but I am not familiar with those methods. Any method that involves projecting a resonant pattern into a dissonant area is effective. There are many ways to do this.

Compression waves impulse always activate the area of the crystal where the vortex is. Around this basic action, the technology involved is variable. Compression waves may be thought, physical pressure, electric signal, and many other ways.




Oona on healing with Source through the crystal

Oona is an emissary for the Altean delegation of the Seeders, a cell of scientists from the Intergalactic Confederation

Oona has been traveling from a trip she made with her partner Tayel to the Aldeerand galaxy. Everyone deserves holidays right! We had a telepathic conversation while she was in their little ship traveling back to
the Sol system. She said she would be here " in a few days". In the meantime, she told me this.

Be the crystal. Imagine that your body has the form and consistency of a crystal. Crystals vibrate faster than light and have consistency in every realm that light traverses. Crystals are bridges by their very nature. They are a gift to the multiverse of creation, but also the tools of the Creator.

We imagine being them when we wish to heal ourselves and we begin to vibrate faster than light. It will reharmonize all of our cells to the vibration of light, and the DNA bonds that are broken will be repaired. As you know, a wound is broken tissue.

To repair an injury in your flesh, you need two procedures: the first is to send out frequencies that will neutralize unwanted microbial life, such as infection.

The second procedure is to mend the tissue. This is done by crystal technology or by the power of our minds. I am an Altean. I can look at a wound on my body and heal it with the simple power of my mind. For I will send very specific thoughts, with a holographic projection of the repaired area, carried on a binding brain frequency.

Using crystals that are in my head. I am human, the body you occupy is too, so you can do it as well with training but you would have first to declutter your brain organ. You call that place the pineal gland.


You know much about this. Use crystals as an external tool, but not as part of an external technology, as you asked.

Crystals are bridges. Even though they have a form of consciousness, they are still bridges. Make friends with one of them: that is, connect two consciousnesses. Place it on the wounded area and ask it to vibrate its frequency within the broken bonds of the affected area. Create a current with your brain waves that induce a current. Like a wind blowing from your mind.

The crystal is a bridge to Source Creator when it comes to healing. I am talking about physical healing as well as emotional healing. It bridges your consciousness to the disharmonious area through Source consciousness. This is what the creative frequency of Source does by nature, the re-harmonizing and repairing of the wounded area.

Practically, with a crystal in your hand as a tool, project your holographic vision of the repair to be made into the central vortex of the crystal. It will connect to Source and bridge the creative frequency of Source in the holographic thought you imprinted in the crystal to the target.

Several elements come into play:

Source is the healing frequency, your consciousness gives the impulse order. The crystal bridges your conscious thought to the target by connecting to the creative frequency of the Source. Use it like water:

Source Creator is the medicine. Your consciousness is the water that carries the medicine. The crystal is the tool that pours the medicine water onto the target.

We touch the target with the top of the crystal or rotate the top of the crystal over the target.

We also have the crystal chambers, remember? We can lie in there and bring anything dissonant back to its harmonic state.


Oona is a highly advanced Altean, so when she holds a crystal the compression waves from her mind automatically opens the central vortex in the crystal. Therefore since us Terrans, although we are also human and potentially have this ability, we are still evolving. So to help trigger the singularity of the crystal's central vortex, use your fingers to apply a pulse of pressure in sync with your pulsed breath as you visualize the crystal bridging to Source and the crystal is the tool that sends the resonant healing pattern from Source to the target area.

In regards to clearing your pineal gland, Oona gave a report to Elena on a 4096 Hz sound scan device that our engineer created as a tool to clear the imprints in the quartz crystal, and found that it could also cleanse the pineal gland with that device.




Oona on quantum entanglement of time in the crystal



A certain quality of quartz crystals, of pristine high purity, animated by its own consciousness, vibrates not only on the lattice of space, but also on the lattice of time. The frequency rate between atoms is not a wave, but a quantum entanglement. The impulse is non-linear, there is no lineal exchange of information. That is why quartz is a transponder by nature. It connects points on the grid of space, but also points in time. Your science will soon discover this. Quartz is the highest state of solid matter before the state of light. That is why quartz can heal tissue.

It doesn't reorganize matter on a molecular level, but it repairs it by transponding the injured organic tissues with the vibratory key of a previous state before the alteration was made. It reorganizes dissonance with a resonant template. The entanglement is done by the intention of the healer, unless the crystal's own consciousness is trained to do it automatically.

You are the first to receive this information. (Received July 2, 2024)


This is an exciting new understanding from Oona. That quartz crystal through quantum entanglement vibrates throughout the lattice of time. Therefore it not only transponds your current avatar template at this current point in time, but it also connects to all of your previous avatar template states throughout time. Since the universe tends to perfection, the most resonant template version of your previous self that still exists in the lattice of time, will have the most predominate effect because it's template is the closest to perfection, and therefore will quantum entangle that template to your current avatar template, causing it to morph from it's current dissonance to the previous more optimal template state that was the most resonant throughout the lattice of time. This action is being directed by your intention to do so.





Love is the universal bridge transcending the densities

Any suggestions or techniques to optimize the use of a crystal in the amplification of co-creatively transforming Terra for the most benevolent outcome for all beings? Also for individual healing of self or others?

Jen Han:
This will also answer the previous question: Love. The frequency of love is the connecting pulse between all living things in the universe. Even through dimensional planes. Love is the universal bridge. It can bridge anything, I mean a-ny-thing, love is the tool. So when you intend love into a crystal, you activate its transcending capacity. When on the top of this action you embed a target by visualization, it bridges you to it easily. Love is a secure channel, because of the high frequency. It prevents dissonance. The target can be: a visualization inside the crystal of a place or a person, you can also embed a story by moving images or/and vocalization of the story, and you can either, also, embed just a sound: the name of a person or of a place. The more you superimpose layers, the better it is going to work. Repeat for the geometrical resonance. It will force the pattern into the holographic matrix.



Phryll regeneration of your DNA

Since we can stimulate the singularity in the crystal with the 20 pulses per second from our signal generators and the crystal will generate Phryll energy that we can draw from, can this Phryll energy be used for healing and regeneration since it is considered to be the essence of life force in the universe? I ask this because on planet Terra our Terran bodies, unlike yours that live for hundreds of years, degenerate and expire in an average of less than 80 Terran years, no doubt in part due to a lack of this regenerating Phryll life force. If yes, how might this best be accomplished? Or any other suggestions how one might best regenerate and optimize these Terran bodies?

Jen Han:
The Phryll from Source is the most powerful energy you can ever imagine to harness. Of course, when the singularity of the vortex is triggered in the crystal, and when it bridges to Source, Phryll comes from it. If it is not harvested it will radiate outwards and propagate in the ether around in a halo. Reached a certain point of saturation, the crystal may sing. You know what this means. When you hold with your bare hands the crystal that is surrounded by a halo of Phryll, it regenerates your cells by invigorating and strengthening the bounds between the particles that compose it. But you know, you can do it yourself without the help of a crystal. You can harvest Phryll by yourself, in a more natural and safer way. Your DNA is composed of micro vortices, that you can activate with your consciousness. I can show you how to do this, it is simple but it requires a lot of practice. Once you complete this training, you can feed from Phryll and you need little food. You still need food of course
to sustain your bodily envelop. Anything you will eat, will be several times more efficient, because the nutriments as well will be invigorated as soon as they enter your auric field. It will keep you healthy longer. If you wish to use crystals to extend your life expectancy, there are two ways: the natural way and the technological way, with the healing pods. You call them med-beds; those who work with crystals and water.

Can you remind us how to harvest Phryll with our consciousness? I know a method taught to me by Annax but I am interested to know yours.

Jen Han:
First of all, you know about the method that consists in imprinting a younger and healthier template into the holographic pattern of your envelop, using consciousness. Harvesting Phryll to nourish and invigorate your cells is a different thing. You need to isolate yourself from mental disturbance and connect intuitively with the particles of Phryll present all around you. Or coming from an activated crystal if you will. It is better of course. But you can do it as well with the existent particles of Phryll present naturally in the ether around you. When you see them with your mind's eye, like a shimmering living dust, you can harvest them with the power of your thought. Absorb them. It is best to do it outside in open atmosphere, in the light beams of your star. Bare feet on the naked soil even works better because you create a current of energy with the planet and what circulates through you is quite powerful and regenerative. Simple, isn't it?


When feeding from the Phryll. I am assuming it will assist regeneration and help to alleviate disease and deterioration of our Terran envelops?

Jen Han:
It does. All is about reconnecting the Hydrogen links between the chromosomes' intra elements. This is a question that is exciting, because I am learning this onboard the Intergalactic Confederation ships. DNA can be transmuted into a stable state of auto-regeneration, once you unlock the blocks that keep the strands disconnected from the morphogenetic field of the universe. Longitudinal frequencies can do this, but your mind also can. If you know how to harvest Phryll it can reconnect these links within your body, with work and patience. Gamma brainwaves are the first step.


Pleiadian Phryll Harvesting Exercise

Directing Phryll to heal your body

Healing the body application. For example, a shoulder joint that has lost it's cartilage, in order to help regenerate that cartilage using Phryll, how would you recommend?

Jen Han:
Phryll, by breathing Phryll with your consciousness, into the wound, it will revitalize the defective energy field in that precise area in your body. Where there is a body defect, the biofield is weak. The electro magnetic resonance is weak. The flesh cannot repair quickly. So breathe Phryll into it when you perform the exercise I showed you. By the drive of your consciousness. Your mind is in control of where the Phryll goes inside of your body. You can gather Phryll in your hand and apply your hand
above your flesh. The distance between the hand and the wound, you will feel it. Bathing in Phryll infused water will be less effective than a dynamic of Phryll transfer led from inside the body. When outside, expose your shoulder to the wind, a warm enjoyable wind, and with the power of your mind, bring the Phryll that is carried by the wind, inside.
Wind, my friend, carries Phryll in the same way that your breath does it into a crystal. So catch it and bring it where it is needed most.




Crystal Classes

Check for new crystal classes with Elena Danaan and Dan Willis with the information from our dear Pleiadian scientist friend Jen Han Eredyon.






Jen Han Eredyon


"A crystal is a bridge because it exists in all dimensions at a time"

"When you intend love into a crystal, you activate its transcending capacity"

"Dissonance cannot attune with an ordered state of geometrical resonance"

"Thought can reshape the holographic grid of reality
because thoughts are complex geometrical patterns.
The crystal will bridge the new pattern to the existing ones,
and if the impulse is strong enough, the new pattern will force
themselves onto the old and the old will morph into the new"

"The universe tends toward perfection"

- Jen Han Eredyon